Chapter President
The TU chapter president sustains the work of the chapter by providing governance, leadership and strategic direction.
The president is expected to review, understand and facilitate the organization’s bylaws, policies and procedures, financial and legal situation, and strategic plan. As the board ambassador, the president acts as a spokesperson to the larger community. By modeling appropriate behavior, the president sets high standards for board conduct and intervenes if conflicts arise.
Anyone taking on this role should have demonstrated community leadership, feel comfortable delegating, have good group dynamics skills and have the ability to communicate well including listen and seek input from others
A sampling of responsibilities includes:
- Plan, preside over, and facilitate board and executive committee meetings to ensure all legal and fiduciary responsibilities are met.
- Prepare an agenda for each board meeting and distribute it to the board, with associated reading materials, well in advance of the meeting.
- Develop, approve, implement and evaluate the chapter’s budget and strategic plan. We do this by consensus.
- Represent the chapter on the state council, attending regular council meetings. Basically, from time to time attend CTU Board meetings and communicate with CTU and other Chapters on issues important to all.
- Communicate with all interested parties including but not limited to NTU, CTU, CPW, BCWA, other governmental agencies, other conservation groups or organizations.
- From time to time, coordinate and work with all interested parties, including the ETU Board, on conservation project development or projects on Bear Creek or within our jurisdiction or Chapter area.
- Coordinate with all Board members and interested entities on current conservation projects.
- Periodically consult with board members on their roles, help them assess their performance, and plan for leadership development and succession.
- Mentor and train your chapter vice president to facilitate a smooth transition for the incoming President.
- Along with the Treasurer, ensure donations to your chapter are properly acknowledged. You may give this responsibility to the Treasurer.
- Ensures that the Board Succession Plan is maintained. The Board must approve the Plan.
Chapter Vice President
The vice president of a TU chapter is second in command. The position of vice president is often training to be a presidential candidate (full customizable position description). The vice president should be sure to read the description of chapter president.
A sampling of responsibilities includes:
- Preside over meetings from which the president is absent.
- Provide support and assistance to the president in order to achieve the core functions of the chapter.
- Perform duties as assigned by the president or the Board of Directors.
Chapter Secretary
The secretary performs a variety of tasks aimed at managing the records and administrative functions of the chapter.
A sampling of responsibilities includes:
- Schedule online instances for all board meetings and make the meeting available to all attendees both remote and on land. Use an ai tool (ex: to create and distribute meeting minutes.
- Retain records including board and committee rosters, bylaws, strategic plan, agendas.
- Assume responsibilities of the president in the absence of the president and vice president.
Chapter Treasurer
The role of a treasurer is one of the most important in the chapter. It is critical that the chapter treasurer be conscientious and have good systems in place to maintain local or state filing requirements and maintain fiduciary integrity; otherwise the chapter is at serious risk (full customizable position description).
A sampling of responsibilities includes:
- Read and become familiar with the 2015 Policy on Financial and Property Controls and TU’s risk management and insurance limitations to work with the Executive Committee to ensure the chapter is compliant – from the limitations of our 501c3 to liquor liability. TU Volunteer Leadership Manual 36
- Ensure the chapter Annual Activity Report is filed in the Leaders Only Tools section of between April 1 and May 15.
- If your chapter has gross receipts of $50,000 or less (over a three year average) TU will use the data from this form to file your IRS required 990N for you.
- If your chapter has gross receipts of $50,000 or more (over a three-year average) you will need to file your own chapter/ council 990 or 990EZ by Aug. 15 of each year.
- Questions about the correct Form 990 to file? Please visit: or TU’s online resources for financial management and reporting.
- Particularly if your chapter is large enough to file a Form 990, ensure that you have the proper controls in place such as a document retention policy, conflict of interest form and whistle blower policy and that you’ve shared the Form 990 with your entire chapter board.
- With the chapter executive committee, become familiar with and understand TU’s risk management and insurance limitations and ensure the chapter is compliant.
- Checks PO Box 1974 periodically for Chapter mail.
- Continue processing perpetual funds for the Len Wheaton and Teddy Wetzel Memorial Funds.
Membership/Communication/Database Chair
Many chapters appoint a membership coordinator whose duties include tracking chapter membership, welcoming and engaging new members and encouraging existing members to renew or update their membership. Beyond tracking these statistics, the membership coordinator takes the lead on programs to recruit new members (full customizable position description).
A sampling of responsibilities includes:
- Works closely with all members of including the Board, Communications and Social Media Chair, and Membership/Communication/Database Chair on what topics/news to put in newsletters, communication pieces, and website.
- Report on the status of chapter membership at each board meeting including total membership, change from last meeting, new members, annual membership trends, etc.
- Coordinate new member recruitment via – an online membership application for new members only – and increase chapter rebates for recruiting new members. Full details on new member recruitment and rebates in the Membership Memo. Place stickers on general brochures and place at locations like the BQA. ETU gets a rebate if they join through the website.
- Organize a greeter at the entrance of all chapter meetings and events to ensure no guest arrives without being greeted, provided a nametag, welcomed and encouraged to participate fully in the chapter community. – Remind and encourage suspended and expired members to renew. We stopped doing this but it’s not a bad idea. All Board members should participate.
- Each month, download the TU membership list, compare that list to the ETU membership list and make appropriate changes. Take that complete ETU list and make changes to the list domiciled right now in Network Solutions Mail Software.
- Develop a newsletter or communication piece including any and all programs, projects, appropriate national, state or local communications, etc. Develop the communication piece with appropriate Board members.
Communications and Social Media Chair
A sampling of responsibilities includes:
- Works closely with all members of including the Board, Communications and Social Media Chair, and Membership/Communication/Database Chair on what topics/news to put in newsletters, communication pieces, and website.
- Selects the appropriate Social Media platform to relay that newsletter or communication.
- Social Media to consider includes Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn.
- Works closely with all members of including the Board, Communications and Social Media Chair, and Membership/Communication/Database Chair on what topics/news to put in newsletters, communication pieces, and website.
- Develops and/or coordinates the development of the website (WordPress).
- Makes appropriate changes to the website.
- Renews all contracts associated with the website.
Education Chair
A sampling of responsibilities includes:
- Selects all educational projects for the Chapter to consider.
- Runs or coordinates management of all educational projects.
Community Relations/Fundraising Chair
A sampling of responsibilities includes:
- Coordinates all communications with Community groups.
- Ensures that ETU news, events, programs, etc. are made available to and through Community groups including the Chamber of Commerce, Conservation groups, recreational groups, etc.
- Develops fundraising efforts and coordinates those efforts with the Board on all Fundraising activities including raffle items, auctions, outside fundraising events, etc.
Conservation & Advocacy Chair
A sampling of responsibilities includes:
- Coordinates with national, state and local entities on conservation activities.
Games Manager
A sampling of responsibilities includes:
- Keeps abreast of all Colorado laws regarding raffles and auctions.
- Develops raffle tickets for specific items.
- If a raffle item is valued at more than $1,000, prepare appropriate forms for the Secretary of State for approval and coordinate the printing of the raffle ticket with approved printers.
- Renews ETUs Colorado State Raffle License each year (final quarter).
- Renews Games Manager Colorado State License as appropriate.
- Submits quarterly and annual Raffle Reports to the Secretary of State of Colorado.
Activities Chair
- Develops and coordinates events to consider or undertake with the entire Board. Along with the Board, assigns volunteers to Chair the events.
- Develops and coordinates projects to consider or undertake with the entire Board. Along with the Board, assigns volunteers to Chair the projects.
- Develops and confirms relationships with potential speakers or presenters when appropriate.
- Helps speakers by identifying and following through with projectionist needs.
- Produces sign-up sheets or a sign-up process for volunteers showing contact information for volunteers and event/project Chair.