Evergreen Trout Unlimited participates in many projects involving Bear Creek and our local community.

Evergreen Trout Unlimited participates in many projects involving Bear Creek and our local community. Among these recurring projects are:
Restoring and Improving Bear Creek
- Organizing small to large projects to improve the habitat and fishery of our “home” stream
- Bi-Annually cleaning the creekside and creek of debris
Monitoring Bear Creek
- Collecting temperature data at several locations in the creek throughout the summer months
- Preparing testimony and exhibits in an ongoing struggle to safeguard the stream’s health under EPA and state regulations
- Testifying before EPA and CO Water Quality Control Commission staff about the health of the stream
- Aiding in fish counts with Colorado Division of Parks and Wildlife staff and preparing summaries of fishery numbers
- Watching for poaching or rule violations
Teaching kids about trout and flyfishing
- Participating at the Jefferson County Mt. Evans Outdoor Lab with fly-tying and flyfishing instruction
- Partnering with the Colorado Division of Parks and WIldlife in Outdoor Skills Day programs in Evergreen and Conifer
- Organizing kids’ fishing camps at the Buchanan Rec Center and Ponds
- Aiding with the children’s fishing activity at Camp Comfort (a program of Mt. Evans Home Health Care and Hospice)
Community and Member Outreach
- Annual member picnic and community outreach at Buchanan Ponds
- Chapter sponsored fishing and camp trips